Saturday, March 28, 2009

Psychological musings...

Psych pushes me to think outside of my square, it pushes me to think in general, and I can study so many different facets of the world that intriuge and scare me, and understand them through the eye's of the mind.

If I'm afraid of something, I seek knowledge to understand it.

I hate reading newspapers or watching the news. I hate reading headlines, and even moreso I hate reading over-sensationalised peices of faff from people who have only studied the piece of information they are reporting on for about 48 hours. Not really down with over-sensationalised reporting in general.

I find places like Twitter and Facebook amusing and interesting. I like the fact that we can recieve real up-to-date, moment by moment, from the ground reporting with this technology.

I've met a lot of people over time that I never thought I would learn from, but have taught me some of the most amazing things.

I love to learn about culture, I dislike reading about it, but I love to listen to people speak about their culture, how they live in it, and why they live the way they do. I love to learn, and I find talking to and learning from others is the best way to do it. I love to sit and listening to people speak, one of the reasons I enjoy comedy I suppose. I love to watch people tell stories, to be able to make fun of ridiculous situations.

If I can't get my head around something I ask questions. I question everything. I question peoples reasoning for doing certain things, and they don't like it, but I'll keep on questioning. My enquiring mind does not stop.

I'm used to being ignored, but I don't deal with it very well.
My brain works at odds with itself at times, I really want your attention, but once I get it, sometimes I don't know what to do with it. Those negative thoughts fill my mind, and I used to listen to them, as I thought they defined who I was. Now I shall sit with them, and let them be there, but also counter-act them with the sensible side of my brain.

A few articles that will pop up over the next few days...
-Psychological revelations about who I am at this particular point in time, what is changing in my world, and how I am dealing with the changes. An on-going body of work, making me feel all Freudian, maybe it'll help someone else someday.
- Growing up and leaning about the world, what I thought was slow, but was actually earlier than I realised. Remembering my tweens(back then we were just kids, and we still are) and how that part of my life really shaped who I am today.
- Music, music, music, and more music.
- Laws of attraction, realising why I always like the "bad boys", and why the nice guys always get lost in the crowd.
- Comedians, why I love them, why laughter is one of the best forms of medicine, who my comedic heroes are, and why.
- Why a well written piece of prose, can be amazing on paper, but when translated to a spoken submission, all the laughs get lost.